Types of therapy we provide

We are Novo Behavioral Services. We provide in home, school and clinic behavior treatment for children diagnosed with Autism and related disorders. Novo implements Applied Behavior Analysis treatment to systematically target socially significant behaviors and improve quality of life.

ABA therapy

Pivotal Response Therapy (PRT) is an evidence-based intervention for individuals with autism spectrum disorder (ASD), focusing on pivotal areas like motivation, communication, and social initiations. Developed from applied behavior analysis principles, PRT targets behaviors that are central to a wide range of functional skills. Through naturalistic teaching strategies, it encourages self-initiated social interactions and communication attempts, fostering generalization across settings. PRT emphasizes child choice, reinforcement of attempts, and teaching within the natural environment. It aims to improve not only targeted skills but also broader developmental domains such as language, play, and social engagement. PRT’s flexibility and focus on pivotal areas make it a valuable approach in comprehensive ASD treatment plans, promoting meaningful progress and enhancing overall quality of life for individuals on the autism spectrum.

Speech Therapy

Novo Behavioral Services LLC is expanding our services to include speech therapy presents a valuable opportunity to meet the growing demand for specialized care in communication disorders. By integrating speech therapy into your offerings, you can address a crucial aspect of holistic healthcare while diversifying your company’s portfolio. Begin by conducting market research to understand the local demand and competition.

Empowering children with effective therapy services.

Early intervention is key (805 therapy)

Early intervention in Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) for children is crucial for maximizing developmental outcomes. By initiating ABA therapy during the early years, typically before the age of five, children can benefit from targeted interventions tailored to their individual needs. ABA techniques focus on teaching adaptive skills, reducing problematic behaviors, and promoting social and communication abilities. Early intervention capitalizes on the brain’s plasticity during critical developmental periods, enhancing the effectiveness of interventions. It equips children with foundational skills essential for future learning and independence, laying a solid groundwork for continued progress and improved long-term outcomes in various areas of functioning.